10+ Best [Free & Paid] Online Ethical Hacking Course For Beginners in India 2021

best ethical hacking courses with certifications

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With every bit of our life being exposed online right now, every website, transactions, businesses are also set online. There are several threats that one is subjected to online. An ethical hacker shows the vulnerabilities of software and fixes the loopholes in order to help the business owners before other malicious hackers discover and take advantage of them. 

If you are interested in learning to hack, then these are the best 12 online courses on Ethical hacking for beginners in 2020. These are detailed courses and really helpful for those who are just starting with Ethical Hacking. All these courses can be done by 12th & Graduate students no matter they are from Science, Commerce or Arts stream.

Also Read: Cyber Security Career in India

List of 12 Best [Free & Paid] Online Ethical Hacking Course For Beginners with Certification in 2021

1. Introduction to CyberSecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks 

This course is about Cybersecurity and understanding the background needed to understand Cybersecurity. This course is about the history of Cybersecurity, it’s types and ways of cyber-attacks that provide knowledge to us about the current threats to organization and individual. This course will also teach about critical thinking and it’s important for anyone who is opting for this course. This course is all about providing you a basic knowledge about Cybersecurity or skills to acquire the skills to work in the field of Cybersecurity as a junior Cybersecurity Analyst. 

Course Created By 

IBM Security Learning Services global company with subject matter experts in a range of job roles.

Things which you’ll learn from this course 

  • The history of security and its evolution
  • The various types of malicious software 
  • You will be taught to identify few following Cybersecurity tools 
    • Firewall 
    • Anti-virus 
    • Cryptography
    • Penetration testing 
    • Digital Forensics 
  • It gives brief teaching of key Cybersecurity concept which includes the CIA Triad, access management, incident response, and common Cybersecurity best practices

Course Includes 

  • Cybersecurity 
  • IBM New Collar 
  • Information Security (INFOSEC) 
  • Cyber Attacks
  • Malware 

Duration of the course: Approx 20 hours 

Rating of the course: 4.2/5

Also Read: Top 16 Free & Paid Best Machine Learning Course Online


2. Ethical Hacking Course By Lisa Bock

This course is about the key of strengthening network security and is also know as one of the most desired skills IT security professionals. Hacking comes in many colors such as White, Grey, Black. White hat hacker uses their skills for good and practices ethical hacking by ensuring that there is no threat to an organization from outside attacks. This course mainly deals with network security and how to strengthen it. If you are interested to become an ethical hacker or want to secure your own network then you should definitely opt for this course. 

Course Created By 

Lisa Bock (Author- Ethical Hacking: Penetration Testing), Since 2004 she has been teaching IT and everything from forensic to network security. 

Things you will learn

  • Ethical Hacking 
  • Network Security 

Course Includes

  • Information Security Overview
  • Information Security Controls & Policies
  • Protection of Data in the Digital World
  • Understanding Hacking Concepts

Duration of the course: 1 hour 25 mins 

Rating: 4 / 5


3. Information Security Fundamental

This course teaches the students the fundamental Security Knowledge. This course also includes topics like risk management, security policies, basic networking, password cracking, cryptography, malware, mobile security, etc. In this course, students are taught fundamental topics in networking which are network devices, TCP/UDP, Firewalls, and the Network Topology. In this manner, the students learn the importance of protecting data, along with which they learn common practices and policies used by information security practitioners. Later on, students get an overview of offensive security topics which are malware, password cracking, sniffing, etc. 

Course created by 

Rasha Sharif, Gerianne Roberts, Dustin Perry, Ken Underhill 

Things you will learn

  • Networking Fundamental
  • Data Protection Fundamental 
  • Fundamentals of Risk Policies and Security Controls 
  • Pentest Fundamentals Sniffing 
  • Malware Fundamentals 
  • Mobile Security Fundamentals
  • Password Cracking Tools Fundamentals 

Duration of the course:1 month 

Rating: 4.1 / 5

Also Read: Courses after 12th science PCM 

4. Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch

This course is for those who don’t have any knowledge in hacking but by the end of this course, that same person will be able to hack systems like black-hat hackers and can also secure them like security experts. This course is more based on practical but even some theory parts are also there. This course starts from the basics of ethical hacking for example you will learn to analyze and exploiting different systems which are network servers, clients, websites, and above then that there are no boring theoretical lectures. This course has serval sections, each section covers penetration testing/hacking field and along with that in each of these sections you will learn how you can target system works, what are the weaknesses of that particular system and how to practically hack into that system along with that this course also teaches how to protect and secure your network from such threats too. 

Course created by

Zaid Al-Quraishi, who is an ethical hacker, a computer scientist, and the founder and CEO of zSecurity.

What you’ll learn in this course

  • 135+ ethical hacking & security videos.
  • Start from 0 up to a high-intermediate level.
  • Learn ethical hacking, its fields & the different types of hackers.
  • Installation of hacking lab and needed software (on Windows, OS X, and Linux).
  • Hack & secure both WiFi & wired networks.
  • Understand how websites work, how to discover & exploit web application vulnerabilities to hack websites.
  • Use 30+ hacking tools such as Metasploit, Aircrack-ng, SQLmap…..etc.
  • Discover vulnerabilities & exploit them to hack into servers.
  • Hack secure systems using client-side & social engineering.
  • Secure systems from all the attacks shown.
  • Install & use Kali Linux – a penetration testing operating system.
  • Learn Linux basics.
  • Learn Linux commands & how to interact with the terminal.
  • Learn Network Hacking / Penetration Testing.
  • Network basics & how devices interact inside a network.
  • Run attacks on networks without knowing its key.
  • Control Wi-Fi connections without knowing the password.
  • Create a fake Wi-Fi network with internet connection & spy on clients.
  • Gather detailed information about networks & connected clients like their OS, ports …etc.
  • Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryptions using a number of methods.
  • ARP Spoofing / ARP Poisoning.
  • Launch Various Man In The Middle attacks.
  • Access any account accessed by any client on the network.
  • Sniff network traffic & analyze it to extract important info such as: passwords, cookies, URLs, videos, images ..etc.
  • Intercept network traffic & modify it on the fly.
  • Discover devices connected to the same network.
  • Inject Javascript in pages loaded by clients connected to the same network.
  • Redirect DNS requests to any destination (DNS spoofing).
  • Secure networks from the discussed attacks.
  • Edit router settings for maximum security.
  • Discover suspicious activities in networks.
  • Encrypt traffic to prevent MITM attacks.
  • Discover open ports, installed services and vulnerabilities on computer systems.
  • Hack servers using server-side attacks.
  • Exploit buffer overflows & code execution vulnerabilities to gain control over systems.
  • Hack systems using client-side attacks.
  • Hack systems using fake updates.
  • Hack systems by backdooring downloads on the fly.
  • Create undetectable backdoors.
  • Backdoor normal programs.
  • Backdoor any file type such as pictures, pdf’s …etc.
  • Gather information about people, such as emails, social media accounts, emails and friends.
  • Hack secure systems using social engineering.
  • Send emails from ANY email account without knowing the password for that account.
  • Analyze malware.
  • Manually detect undetectable malware.
  • Read, write download, upload, and execute files on compromised systems.
  • Capture keystrokes on a compromised system.
  • Use a compromised computer as a pivot to hack other systems.
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.
  • Discover subdomains associated with a website.
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.
  • Discover websites hosted on the same server as the target website.
  • Exploit file upload vulnerabilities to gain control over target website.
  • Discover, exploit and fix code execution vulnerabilities.
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.
  • Discover, exploit & fix SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.
  • Exploit SQL injections to find databases, tables & sensitive data such as usernames, passwords…etc
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.
  • Learn the right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.
  • Discover reflected XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Discover Stored XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Hook victims to BeEF using XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.
  • Discover MITM & ARP Spoofing attacks

Course includes

  • 14.5 hours on-demand video 
  • 2 articles 
  • 22 downloadable resources 
  • Full lifetime access 
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of Completion 

Duration of the course: 14 hours 40 mins 

Rating of the course: 4.5/5


5. Ethical Hacking Cryptography

Cryptography is the science where data is mathematically scrambled consisting of roots in the protection of top-secret military communication, whereas present-day cryptography helps in securing information for anyone with an email account. Cryptography is used for authentication, data integrity, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. In this course, students will be taught are basic principles of cryptography and the most popular algorithms along with which attack strategies and methodologies. 

Course Created by

Stephanie Domas, she is currently the vice president of research and development at MedSec. 

Things you’ll learn in this course

  • Security Testing 
  • Ethical Hacking 
  • Cryptography 

Course Includes 

  • Cryptography Basic 
  • Cipher 
  • Hashing 
  • Digital Certificate 
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 
  • Applied Uses of Cryptography 
  • Cryptographic Attacks 

Duration of the course: 1 hour 

Rating: 4/5


6. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course – Beginner to Advanced 

This course will teach you how to do ethical hacking and penetration testing. This course includes topics like installing Kali Linux, VirtualBox, basic of Linux, Tor, Proxychains, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, Cracking wifi, air crack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, SQL injection, cracking Linux passwords. 

Course created by 

Ermin Kreponic who is an IT expert, Linux enthusiast with a passion for troubleshooting network related problems. With an exceptional eye for details and a sense of urgency when it comes down to problem-solving.

Things you’ll learn in this course

  • A complete tutorial explaining how to build a virtual hacking environment, attack networks, and break passwords.
  • A guide to using these skills to get a better job and make money online as a freelancer 
  • Answers to every single question you have about ethical hacking and penetration testing from an experienced IT professional
  • Step by step instructions for insulation VirtualBox and creating your virtual environment on Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • The ability to secure and protect any network from hackers and loss of data.

Course Includes

  • 24.5 hours on-demand video 
  • 5 downloadable resources 
  • Full lifetime access 
  • Access on mobile and TV 
  • Certificate of Completion 

Duration of the course: 24.5 hours

Rating of this course: 4.3/5 


7. Introduction of Cyber Attacks

This course teaches the students a basic understanding of common cybersecurity threats and risks. This course is also about how cyber attacks are constructed and applied to real systems. There many network attacks that are described using real examples; some of the attacks are distributed denial of service and botnet-attacks. There are many more analytic modes which are outlined too which are the confidentially/integrity/availability security threats framework these are some things which are showed to make understand how different types of threats can degrade real assets. 

Course created by

Dr. Edward G. Amoroso ( Research Professor, NYU and CEO, TAG Cyber LLC)  

Things you’ll learn in this course

  • Cybersecurity 
  • Information Security (INFOSEC) 
  • Denial-of-Service (DOS) 
  • Risk Assessment 

Course Includes

  • Introduction to Cyber Security 
  • Understanding Basic Security Framework 
  • Examining Cyber Threats More Closely 
  • Introduction Security Risk Analysis 

Duration of this course: Approx 17 hours to complete 

Rating of this course: 4.7/5


8. Website Hacking / Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting

This course is about Comprehensive course on Website penetration testing. This course teaches web applications hacking and Bug Bounty hunting. For this course, you don’t need to have any prior knowledge in hacking because by the end of this course each and every student will be able to hack and discover bugs in websites like black-hat hackers and secure them like security experts. This course consist of more practical but it doesn’t neglect the theory part too. In this course before learning you learn hacking you need to gather comprehensive information about the target so that you know how to discover, exploit, and mitigate. Then you will also learn advanced techniques by which you can bypass security, escalate your privileges, access the database and even you can hack websites. 

Course created by 

Zaid Al-Quraishi, who is an ethical hacker, a computer scientist, and the founder and CEO of zSecurity.

Things you’ll learn in this course

  • 90+ Videos to take you from a beginner to advanced in website hacking.
  • Create a hacking lab & needed software (on Windows, OS X and Linux).
  • Become a bug bounty hunters & discover bug bounty bugs!
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous web vulnerabilities.
  • Exploit these vulnerabilities to hack into web servers.
  • Bypass security & advanced exploitation of these vulnerabilities.
  • Advanced post-exploitation – hack other websites on the same server, dump the database, privilege escalation….etc
  • Bypass security & filters.
  • Intercept requests using a proxy.
  • Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages.
  • Gain full control over target server using SQL injections.
  • Discover & exploit blind SQL injections.
  • Install Kali Linux – a penetration testing operating system.
  • Learn Linux commands and how to interact with the terminal.
  • Learn Linux basics.
  • Understand how websites & web applications work.
  • Understand how browsers communicate with websites.
  • Gather sensitive information about websites.
  • Discover servers, technologies & services used on target website.
  • Discover emails & sensitive data associated with a specific website.
  • Find all subdomains associated with a website.
  • Discover unpublished directories & files associated with a target website.
  • Find all websites hosted on the same server as the target website.
  • Discover, exploit and fix file upload vulnerabilities.
  • Exploit advanced file upload vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.
  • Discover, exploit, and fix code execution vulnerabilities.
  • Exploit advanced code execution vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.
  • Discover, exploit & fix local file inclusion vulnerabilities.
  • Exploit local file inclusion vulnerabilities to to get a shell.
  • Exploit advanced local file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.
  • Exploit advanced remote file inclusion vulnerabilities & gain full control over the target website.
  • Discover, fix, and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • Bypass login forms and login as admin using SQL injections.
  • Writing SQL queries to find databases, tables and sensitive data such as usernames ad passwords using SQL injections
  • Bypass filtering, and log in as admin without password using SQL injections.
  • Bypass filtering and security measurements.
  • Read / Write files to the server using SQL injections.
  • Patch SQL injections quickly.
  • Learn the right way to write SQL queries to prevent SQL injections.
  • Discover basic & advanced reflected XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Discover basic & advanced stored XSS vulnerabilities.
  • How to use BeEF framework.
  • Hook users to BeEF using reflected & XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Steal credentials from hooked targets.
  • Run javascript code on hooked targets.
  • Create undetectable backdoors.
  • Hack computers using XSS vulnerabilities.
  • Fix XSS vulnerabilities & protect yourself from them as a user.
  • What do we mean by brute force & wordlist attacks?
  • Create a wordlist or a dictionary.
  • Launch a wordlist attack and guess admin’s password.
  • Discover all of the above vulnerabilities automatically using a web proxy.
  • Run system commands on the target webserver.
  • Access the file system (navigate between directories, read/write files).
  • Download, upload files.
  • Bypass security measurements.
  • Access all websites on the same web server.
  • Connect to the database and execute SQL queries or download the whole database to the local machine.
  • Discover, exploit and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities.

Course Includes 

  • 9 hours on-demand video 
  • 1 article 
  • 9 downloadable resources 
  • Full lifetime access 
  • Access on mobile and TV 
  • Certificate of Completion 

Duration of this course: 9 hours 

Rating of this course: 4.5/5


9. Become a SOC Analyst – Level 1

It is a cybersecurity professional who is a part of a team and their work is to monitor and fight threats to an organization’s IT infrastructure and they even take care of assess security systems and take measures for weakness and needed changes. The full form of SOC is the Security Operations Center.  

Things you’ll learn in the course 

  • Log Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • Network Security 
  • Cryptography
  • Application/mobile Security 
  • Wireshark and I AM 
  • Network Monitoring 
  • Threat Intelligence 

Course Includes

  • Meet your Mentor by joining Slack Community 
  • SOC Analyst 1 Assessment 
  • Launching your SOC Analyst Career 
  • Intro to Cyber Threat Intelligence 
  • Fundamental Windows Security Overview 
  • Fundamentals of Vulnerability Management  
  • Vulnerability Scanner set-up and Configuration part 1 
  • Creating Recommendations Based on Vulnerability Assessments 
  • Malware Threats 
  • CompTIA Security+ 
  • Host Data Integrity Baselining 
  • Introduction to SIEM Tools
  • Monitoring Network Traffic with SIEM  
  • Web Defense Fundamentals  
  • Identifying Web Attacks Through 
  • Event Log Collection 
  • Log Correlation 
  • Log Correlation and Analysis to Identify Potential IOC 
  • Log Correlation and Analysis 
  • Conduct Log Analysis and Cross-Examination for False Positives 
  • Log Event Reports 
  • Introduction to WireShark
  • Wireshark 
  • Applying Filters to TCPDump and Wireshark 
  • Use Wireshark to Intercept Network Traffic 
  • Kali Linux Fundamentals 
  • OWASP 
  • Intro to Python 
  • Cloud Architecture Foundations  
  • Resume and Job Prep Session 
  • Enroll in SOC Analyst 2

Duration of this course: Approx 3 months 

Rating: 4/5


10. Fundamentals of Computer Network Security Specialization

This course for people who are IT professionals, computer programmers, managers, IT security professionals who are willing to develop their networking system security skills. The course consists of design and Analyse Secure Networked Systems, Develop Secure Programs with Basic Cryptography and Crypto API, Hacking and Patching Web Applications, perform penetration testing and Secure Networked Systems with Firewall and IDS. 

Course Created By 

Edward Chow who is a Professor, Computer Science at the University of Colorado System 

Things you’ll learn in this course

  • After this course students will be capable of making public/private keys, certificate requests, install/sign/verify them for web server and client authentication, secure emails, and code signing. 
  • Students will be able to hack web applications with vulnerabilities 
  • Students will be able to do penetration testing with the help of tools to exploit vulnerable systems 
  • Students will be capable of configure firewall and IDS for secure network systems. 

Course Includes

  • Design and Analyse Secure Networking Systems 
  • Basic Cryptography and Programming with Crypto API 
  • Hacking and Patching 
  • Secure Networked System with Firewall and IDS 

Duration of this course: Approx. 4 months 

Rating of this course: 3.8/5


11. Hack Like A Pro- Ethical Hacking from A to Z

This course is made for students who want to learn Ethical Hacking from A to Z and want to become Ethical Hackers. This course is properly prepared according the official documentation and requirements to pass successfully in the certification exam. In this course, students learn various ways and techniques which are required to become an Ethical Hacker by using various powerful tools for exploiting and penetrating networks and systems. 

Course created By 

InForce Cyber is a cybersecurity company that specializes in vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, security architecture, threat detection, incident response, prevention, and forensic investigation.

Things you’ll learn in this course

  • Powerful tools to exploit vulnerabilities and penetrate networks and systems architectures 
  • Linux basic command line Utilities 
  • Several methods and ways which are required to become an ethical hacker. 

Course Includes

  • 13 hours on-demand video 
  • Full lifetime access 
  • Access on mobile and TV 
  • Certificate of Completion 

Duration of this course: 13 hours 48secs 

Rating of this course: 4.3/5 


12. Introduction to IT & CyberSecurity

It is a free cybersecurity training program for beginners in this course you will learn about the four primary disciplines of information technology (IT) and cybersecurity. This introduction to the IT course is designed to help you decide which career path is right for you.

Course Created by

Joe Perry, who is a graduate of the Joint Cyber Analysis Course, the Advanced Cyber Training Program, and the Computer Network Operations Development Program.      

Course Includes

  • Introduction 
  • System Administration 
  • Network Engineering 
  • Incident Response and Forensics
  • Offensive Security and Penetration Testing 
  • Summary and Overview  

Duration of the course: 4 hours 21mins 

Rating of the course: 3.42/5 



Ethical hackers are in huge demand presently and anyone wishing to pursue any of these courses will get a good beginner’s knowledge in this field to know whether they want to go further with this in order to take this up as a career option.

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