Top 10 Best Graphology Courses Online in India

Graphology Courses Online in India

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Graphology is the study of the physical properties and patterns of handwriting to identify the writer and determine the writer’s psychological state at the time of writing and assess personality traits.

Graphology is now widely employed in the workplace, mostly to aid in the selection of critical employees. This is where the personality is evaluated in terms of performance and potential in connection to the job’s unique requirements.

It is now regarded as debunked science. Much research has been carried out to see how accurate it is at predicting personality and work performance. Recent research into the validity of handwriting as a predictor of personality traits and work performance has regularly come out negative.

The term graphology was first used in 1892 by Louis Fine, and is derived from the Greek word graphein meaning “to write”. Graphology was founded on a belief that each person has an individual handwriting style that reflects their personality.

Graphological analysis became popular in Europe in the 1800s, but only began to gain momentum in America after World War II. Since then, it has been widely employed in companies, especially those related to human resource management (HRM), recruitment and selection processes.

Scope of Graphology in India

Graphology is a profession that has been around for hundreds of years. It is still widely used by individuals who want to take the guesswork out of hiring employees. There are many companies in India, especially in the metropolitan cities, that rely on graphology to hire employees based on their handwriting, also known as Graphology.
It can be found in almost every industry and can help employers hire people who have the skills and personality needed for certain positions. For instance, when hiring for a software company, graphology is commonly used because it helps to find those with the creative and analytical mindsets needed for important jobs.
In India it is widely accepted as a viable method of selection and assessment of personality traits.

The Science of Graphology

Graphology can be a difficult science to understand and apply. The amount of knowledge and expertise required to be a successful practitioner is significant.
With this in mind, online graphology courses are becoming more popular for those who wish to learn about the science of handwriting as well as find an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in what is considered a very lucrative career. These online graphology courses have made life easier for students because they provide access to some of the most reputable institutions and experts in the field from their personal computers.

How to use Graphology in your life?

You can use graphology to measure your personality and find out the best courses for you. It will help you understand yourself better, who are you and what do you want from life.

Benefits of Graphology

Graphology is becoming more and more popular as a tool in the selection of employees in the workplace. Most employers now have at least one graphologist on staff to help them select potential hires.

Employers can use graphology for many reasons, including assessing personality traits, identifying giftedness and aptitude, and finding fraud risks. Another advantage of using graphology is that it can be an inexpensive method of employee selection when compared with other methods, like interviews and psychological tests. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on testing employees if you are just looking for specific personality traits or abilities.
When it comes to selecting employees, graphology is useful because it’s not affected by bias. It works on objective criteria that don’t rely on personal opinion or preference.

Reasons to Learn Graphology

Graphology can be used in the workplace to identify promising employees who have a potential for success, and to identify personalities who will not succeed in certain positions.
It’s important to learn graphology because it is an effective tool when seeking new employment or evaluating the current work environment. With a negative profile, you’ll know that the job is not for you and your skills are not needed.

Now you would have understood many things about Graphology. Let’s explore the list of Best Graphology Courses available online in India.

List of Best Graphology Courses Online  in India

1. The Complete Graphology & Handwriting Analysis Certification Course

This is the only course you’ll ever need to master Graphology and Handwriting Analysis, as well as how to astonish people by correctly analysing their handwriting.

Graphology is a projective technique that can reveal incredible details about how the human mind works. With the ability to read people’s handwriting, you may get to know them from the inside out.

Handwriting analysis isn’t just for mental health specialists, psychologists, or HR personnel; it’s for anyone who wishes they could see into other people’s heads and understand how they think.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 6 hrs


There are no criteria. This will teach you everything from the ground up.

What you’ll learn:

  • For all scripts, complete graphology and handwriting analysis are performed. (Method of Gestalt)
  • For Roman script, a complete a-z alphabet analysis is available (English, French, Spanish, German etc)
  • Know who you can trust and who you shouldn’t.

Who this course is for:

  • HR experts and those in the recruitment industry. Psychologists, mental health practitioners, or anyone in the assisting field.
  • Coaches, trainers, counsellors, and therapists are all terms for the same thing.
  • People in the forensic department are learning about forgery and criminality.
  • School counsellors, career counsellors, and relationship counsellors are all types of counsellors.
  • People who want to learn more about themselves and become more self-aware.
  • ANYONE who wants to gain a thorough and accurate understanding of people and their actions.


Upon completion of the course.

2. Handwriting Analysis – Learn Graphology

Basic Graphology is the most important level since it helps you solidify your Graphology foundations. Handwriting analysis and the fundamentals of signature analysis are covered at this level.

Advanced Graphology is a more in-depth study of handwriting, signatures, drawings, and doodles. It enables you to comprehend graphology in its entirety, including the finer points.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 50 hrs

Course Fee: INR 82,500/-

Instructor: Varun L. Rupani


After completion of the course.

3. Advanced Certification in Forensic Science and Forensic Graphology

The Institute of Forensic Sciences (IFS) and the United States Legal Education Foundation (USLEF) are India’s most prestigious and professional private organizations/firms dedicated to the growth of forensic sciences and allied fields. The Education Department of IFS INDIA equips students with the knowledge and skills they need to appreciate and engage effectively in the changing environment of the twenty-first century on a local, national, and global scale. 

Duration: 6 months

Mode: Online (E – Study)

Course Fee: INR 10000/-


After completion of this course.

4. Graphology – Handwriting Analysis

Learn about handwriting analysis and what it might reveal about a person’s personality. Learn how to use handwriting analysis for personal growth and to better understand others. You should be interested in handwriting analysis and eager to examine diverse samples of handwriting.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 2 hrs 20 min

Instructor: Ilyas Zeshan


Upon completion of this course.

5. Become a Pro Handwriting Analyst: Graphology for all scripts

Personality is revealed through handwriting. If you want to learn how to deduce a person’s characteristics from their handwriting, this course is for you. You can learn this as a pastime or for professional purposes. This is a good course for beginners.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 3.5 hrs


You should be eager to learn about people and their personalities.

What you’ll learn:

Students will be able to analyse a sample of handwriting from any script and deduce personality qualities from it.

Who this course is for:

Psychologists, counsellors, homoeopaths, trainers, instructors, coaches, and anyone interested in learning professional handwriting analysis.


After completion of the course.

6. FSP 105: Forensic Graphology

The word “Graphology” comes from two Greek words: “graphos,” which means “writing,” and “logos,” which means “study.” As a result, an in-depth investigation was undertaken to determine a person’s psychological and emotional state by examining his or her physical traits and handwriting pattern. Graphology is a science that can greatly aid in the development of one’s personal, social, and team-related abilities. Because handwriting is the result of the brain’s automatic nature, everything the writer writes is impacted by the psychological and emotional junctures of the brain. Because this conduct is impulsive, it may readily be taken into consideration to exposing the hidden personality and mental state.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 

Instructor: Kratika Mishra


After completion of the course.

7. Basic Certification Course in Graphology from Nirvana Life’s Institute

The Nirvaanalife’s Institute is a Graphology Institute. They provide in-person Graphology Courses in Kolkata. They also offer Graphology Courses online in India. The Graphology Offline Course is held in Kolkata, India, in Salt Lake and Minto Park.

The Graphology Online Course is delivered using the Zoom programme, making it ideal for people in India and overseas who want to learn at a distance. This fundamental graphology course is for those who are interested in learning more about graphology. This 6-hour Graphology course includes everything you need to know about analysing any textual sample and identifying 40-50 personality traits.

Duration: 6 hours

Mode: In Class

Who this course is for:

This fundamental graphology course is for those who are interested in learning more about graphology.

What you’ll learn:

  • Graphology is a branch of graphology that deals with the study of graphs.
  • Graphology has a wide range of applications.
  • The relationship between a pen and a piece of paper.
  • The Mind and Some Universal Laws is an introduction to the mind and some universal laws.
  • Margins, size, baselines, and slants are all investigated.
  • Alphabets: A Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Use Graphology to Perform a SWOT Analysis


After completion of the course.

8. Measurement-Based Handwriting Movement Analysis 1

In general, the handwriting characteristics outlined in Segment 1 reflect whether a writer is introverted or extroverted. Each handwriting trait reveals something unique about the writer, but the combination of these features reveals introversion or extroversion. The printable charts in the right-hand assets will help you comprehend the Sample They’re Following discussion and Question & Answer section below. Each portion of the Question & Answer section corresponds to a distinct lecture video, and each question is designed to test your understanding of the preceding lecture video.

They also invite you to draw on elements from earlier instructional videos to bolster your analysis responses’ conclusions.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 1.5 hrs


There are no criteria. This will teach you everything from the ground up.

What you’ll learn:

  • Recognize key characteristics of a writer’s personality.
  • Combinations of handwriting traits and social types have different meanings.
  • Relationship compatibility, vocational counselling, pre-employment selection, and staff management all benefit from handwriting traits.
  • Indicators of behavioural control, both conscious and subconscious.
  • Positive and negative personality traits reveal the writer’s strengths and flaws and his or her integrity and work ethic.
  • Behavioural or personality abnormalities, medical or mental ailments, and harmful behaviour are all shown by a combination of traits.

Who this course is for:

  • People who want to learn how to professionally evaluate someone’s handwriting.
  • Individuals who are interested in personal development.
  • People who are interested in learning what conclusions they can make about themselves and others.
  • Human resources, business decisions, forensics, law enforcement, and relationships are all areas where you can excel.


Upon completion of the course.

9. Write Choice – Full Graphology Course: Learn Online to Become an Expert

You can complete this graphology course from the comfort of your own home, with the help and support of a Write Choice teacher who will walk you through the content chapter by chapter, clear your doubts, answer your questions, and go over your worksheets.

The graphology course includes numerous images, hands-on games, exercises, and thought-provoking questions to guide you through the process of handwriting analysis.

Duration: 20 hrs

Mode: Online

Course Fee: INR 12000/-

Course Objectives:

  • Examine individual letters and aspects of handwriting from various angles.
  • Recognize and identify handwriting strokes and signals, and link them to other personality qualities.
  • Identify the unconscious elements that influence your writing style.
  • Learn why people think and act the way they do.


Upon completion of the course.

10. Graphology – Handwriting Analysis in any language

Personality is revealed through handwriting. If you want to learn how to deduce a person’s characteristics from their handwriting, this course is for you. You can learn this as a pastime or for professional purposes. Because it is a basic course, it is appropriate for beginners.

Paresh P Chitnis, a trainer, author, and government-certified forensic handwriting expert created the course. Neha Rathod, the narrator of the classes, is a Psychologist and a Graphologist at CPAG Graphology Experts.

Mode: Online

Course Duration: 59 minutes

Instructor: Paresh Chitnis


Upon completion of this course.



Graphology is the study of handwriting and examines the relationship between a person’s personality and handwriting. It is considered a pseudoscience that is still scrutinized by some scientific circles.
It has been proven that there is a connection between handwriting and mental health, personality traits, intelligence, and criminal behavior. It has been found that people write in a way that can be connected to their personality traits. For example, someone who writes in an organized, neat, and fastidious fashion is likely to be organized, neat, and fastidious as well.
There are many courses online in India that offer practical training in Graphology.

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