Best IGNOU Bachelor Degree Courses to pursue in India

IGNOU Bachelor Degree Courses

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The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the largest open and distance learning schools in the world, with millions of students. IGNOU offers a variety of degrees, including undergraduate, graduate, diploma, certificate, and PhD. Over 200 IGNOU courses are available in the university.

IGNOU was founded to serve the Indian people by offering high-quality higher education to people from all walks of life through distance and open education. It also intends to strengthen India’s human resources through promoting, organising, and establishing standards for distance and open education in the country. Extension and training, as well as teaching and research, are at the heart of the university’s academic mission.

IGNOU offers bachelor’s degrees in a number of disciplines. Programs are administered by their respective departments, and eligibility requirements vary for each programme. The major requirement for admission is intermediate eligibility.

In both the January and July cycles each year, applications are accepted for all bachelor’s programmes. They can be uploaded to the relevant department’s IGNOU website and filed electronically. Alternatively, through the common application platform, applications for open and distant learning can be submitted online.

So, are you prepared to pursue a bachelor’s degree course from IGNOU after completing your 12th standard in India ? If yes, then scroll down to a list of one of the best distance courses to pursue and choose the one that best suits you😃✨…. 

List of Best IGNOU Bachelor’s Degree courses to pursue:

1. B.A. Honours History (BAHIH)

The B.A.(Hon.) History curriculum consists of fourteen six-credit Core courses spread out across six semesters. In addition, students in the fifth and sixth semesters can take four Discipline Specific Elective courses. These core courses, as well as the discipline-specific electives, provide a foundation in Indian, Far Eastern, European, and environmental history. The goal of these courses is for students to have a sense of history that they may expand on throughout their post-graduate years.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

2. B.A. Honours Psychology (BAPCH)

There are fourteen core courses in the B.A.(Hon.) Psychology programme. Each course is worth six credits and is spaced out over your program’s six semesters. Every core course has a two-credit practical or tutorial component. In addition to the core courses, the fifth and sixth semesters provide four discipline specific elective courses. These core courses, as well as the discipline-specific electives, provide a foundation in behaviour and individual differences, lifespan psychology, behaviour in social context, application of psychology in various fields, and performing psychology research.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

3. Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biochemistry (BSCBCH)

This Bachelor of Science Honours programme is designed to provide an in-depth knowledge of Biochemistry while allowing the learner to explore subjects beyond the discipline. It includes a substantial number of courses from the discipline of Biochemistry as well as a few interdisciplinary and skill-enhancing courses. The Honours programme aims to introduce students to key concepts and issues in biochemistry, expose them to appropriate courses, and introduce them to reading and writing abilities through assignments and laboratory activities suited for undergraduate study.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

4. Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy and Finance (BCOMAF)

The Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accountancy and Finance (B.Com A & F) was conceived and developed particularly for Chartered Accountancy students in conjunction with The Board of Studies, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

5. Bachelor of Business Administration in Retailing (BBARL)

This programme is delivered in a modular format. You only obtain a Diploma in Retailing if you finish the first year (DIR). After completing the second year, you will receive an Advanced Diploma in Retailing (ADIR), and after completing the third year, you will receive a BBA degree. The programme is only offered once a year, in July. In the first year, there is a three-month internship, followed by on-the-job training in the second and third years.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

6. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

The program’s main goal is to provide a pathway for students who have completed their 10+2 and want to pursue a career in computer or information technology to enrol in computing courses. Following completion of the Bachelor’s Degree (BCA) at IGNOU, students can pursue an MCA at IGNOU or a Master’s programme at any other university. A student should also be able to get entry-level employment in the field of Information Technology or ITES after completing the BCA degree.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

7. Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) was created with the goal of helping student teachers have a better grasp of the teaching-learning process at the secondary and senior secondary levels. It focuses on helping student-teachers to critically reflect on educational views and integrate theory and practises holistically in order to encourage active engagement of learners in knowledge development.

Minimum Duration: 2 years

Maximum Duration: 5 years

Age: No bar

8. Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLIS)

IGNOU established the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Library and Information Science (BLIS) in 1989 in response to the need for a significant number of skilled personnel in the field of library and information services. At various levels throughout the country, such human resources are required to work in libraries, documentation centres, and information centers/institutions. Due to the advancement of information communication technologies, particularly computer and communication technologies, storage technologies, and multimedia technology, there have been significant developments in the field of library and information science over the years.

Minimum Duration: 1 year

Maximum Duration: 4 years

Age: No bar

9. Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

Candidates interested in offering professional support to people in need should enrol in the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) programme. Social workers operate in a variety of socially relevant fields, including health care, community development, education, industry, counselling, family, corrections, social defence, women, children, and disabilities. The BSW programme is offered in both English and Hindi throughout the country. It will also be beneficial to new candidates interested in working in the social and welfare sectors.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

10. B.A in Tourism Studies (BTS)

The BTS programme is a three-year degree programme. The course is worth 96 credits. The BTS Program is for students interested in pursuing a career in the travel and tourism industry at various levels. The program’s goal is to familiarise you with many aspects of tourism, raise tourist awareness, provide basic training in the organisation of tourism services, and provide job options.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

11. BSc Nursing (Post Basic) (BScN(PB))

IGNOU has decided to prepare and implement a Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing degree programme at the request of the Indian Nursing Council. The necessity for this was realised because, at the time, the pace of offering higher education to working nurses was quite slow due to a scarcity of nursing colleges and seats available in each. Nursing professionals, scientists, and educators from a variety of fields from throughout the country collaborated in the development of this curriculum.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 5 years

Age: No bar

12. BCom with Major in Financial and Cost Accounting (BCom(F&CA))

This programme was created in partnership with the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI) and is only available to ICWAI students. They can study this programme alongside the ICWAI Foundation/Intermediate course. If a student passes the ICWAI foundation/intermediate courses, they will receive immediate credit transfer to this BCom degree with a major in Financial and Cost Accounting. The major goal of this programme is to help students enhance their abilities and competencies in the field of finance and cost accounting.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

13. B.A Honours Political Science (BAPSH)

The Bachelors Honours programme in Political Science is designed to provide a strong foundation in the basic ideas, concepts, institutions, and processes of politics and government at the national, regional, and international levels, with a significant number of courses drawn from the discipline of Political Science and a few interdisciplinary and skill-based elective courses.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

14. B.A. Honours Sociology (BASOH)

The Bachelors Honours curriculum in Sociology is meant to give the student a strong foundation in the core ideas, concepts, institutions, and processes of society, with a large number of courses chosen from the discipline of Sociology and a few multidisciplinary and skill-based elective courses.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

15. BCom with Major in Corporate Affairs and Administration (BCom (CA&A))

The Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Corporate Affairs and Administration was created in partnership with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and is tailored specifically for students interested in becoming Company Secretaries.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

16. Bachelor of Science (Hospitality and Hotel Administration) (BHM)

In partnership with the National Council for Hotel Management Catering Technology (NCHMCT), Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, the School of Social Sciences created a Bachelor in Hospitality and Hotel Administration programme. This three-year degree programme is built on a collaborative model that combines courses from the NCHMCT’s distant learning system with those given by the NCHMCT. It is a professional programme intended at creating human resources for the Hotel and Hospitality industries and services.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

17. Bachelor’s Honours Degree Programme (English) (BAEGH)

With a large number of courses selected from a single field (English) and a few interdisciplinary and skill-based electives, the Bachelors Honours Programme (English) is meant to provide in-depth knowledge in that discipline while also allowing exposure to subjects outside of the discipline. The general objectives of the Honours programme are to introduce students to major themes and topics in the discipline of English through core, discipline-centric electives, ability/skill enhancement, and generic courses, as well as to assist students in working toward ability and skill enhancement through exposure to appropriate humanities and social science courses.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

18. Bachelor of Arts (General) in Philosophy (BAG Philosophy )

Under the Choice Based Credit System, the University has introduced the Bachelor of Arts programme. It is a multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and skill-based programme.

All of the programmes offered by the university are based on a credit system. The objectives of this course are to introduce learners to the main themes and topics of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, to provide learners with the information and skills they need to understand and analyse their world, and to enable learners to work towards ability and skill enhancement through exposure to appropriate courses.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

19. B.A. in Vocational Studies Tourism Management (BAVTM)

The initiative aims to give a vast segment of the people, especially the poor, the option to pursue a tourism and travel programme. The goal of the programme is to develop a committed and skilled workforce in the travel and tourism industry. This programme will benefit persons working in the tourism industry, self-employed people, and other adults who want to improve their educational qualifications and knowledge in the tourism industry. The programme will provide university-level education in new fields of expertise and specialist areas that meet the needs of the country’s workforce and economy.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar

20. B.Sc. Honours Anthropology (BSCANH)

The BSCANH (Bachelor of Science Honours in Anthropology) is a broad-based curriculum that includes a combination of disciplinary, integrative, and skill-based courses. It is intended to give learners the knowledge and skills they need to comprehend and analyse their surroundings by introducing them to major themes and subjects in Anthropology, as well as other disciplines such as Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences.

Minimum Duration: 3 years

Maximum Duration: 6 years

Age: No bar


The above is a list of some of the excellent IGNOU online bachelor’s degree courses to pursue after completing 12th standard in India. We hope that we provided the best information regarding your query and helped you to pursue your interest in a given programme🌈😊

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